Development of novej diagnostic method for clinical oncology based on the interaction of DNA aptamers with proteins
Project leader: Jozef Bizik
Project duration: 2015 - 2019
The project is focused on the development of novel diagnostic method for clinical oncology based on the interaction of DNA aptamers with membrane proteins. For this purpose the extensive basic research will be performed with focus on the study of the mechanisms of interaction DNA aptamers with model proteins incorporated into the supported lipid membranes as well as with tumor markers at the surface of the cell cultures. The progressive biophysical methods will be applied such as acoustic thickness shear mode method, atomic
force misroscopy, single molecule force spectroscopy, fluorescence resonance energy transfer and others. The exprienced teams composed of senior scientists, young researchers and PhD students from Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University in Bratislava and from two Research Institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences – Institute of Animal Biochemistry and Genetics and Cancer Research Institute will be involved in the project. We assume that will obtain new knowledge on the mechanisms of interaction of
DNA aptamers with membrane proteins depending on the lipid composition as well as with tumor markers at the surface of cell cultures depending on the type of the tumor and the progress of dissease.