Role of essential protein kinases in regulation of meiotic chromosome segregation
Project leader: Ľuboš Čipák
Project duration: 2013 - 2017
Meiosis is a specialized cell cycle that reduces a diploid genome to a haploid genome. Although we understand certain aspects of meiotic chromosome segregation, we are far from a thorough understanding of it. This project is aimed to analyze in depth the role of essential protein kinases required for proper segregation of chromosomes during meiosis and to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of its regulation. Specifically, we will use conditional analog-sensitive alleles of protein kinases essential for cell growth to study meiosis specific function of these protein kinases. We will elucidate their role in meiotic recombination, mono-orientation of sister kinetochores and protection of centromeric cohesion. Furthermore, the functional kinase´s complexes will be isolated and protein kinase targets and their phosphomodifications will be determined. This will allow us to suggest molecular mechanism and draw models of how chromosome segregation is regulated by essential protein kinases during meiosis. Given a high conservation of the cell cycle machinery, obtained results will be relevant as well for studies of meiosis in higher eukaryotes, including humans. They could reveal much about the mechanism of gamete development and sexual reproduction with implications for diagnostics and treatment of infertility, certain cancers and genetic diseases.